Patricia Connolly

Ceci n'est pas une pipe
                                 (this is not a pipe)
                                                      ---rene magritte


after the dog walks. still having boots on
@ the store for milk cream & various
incendiaries not bothering
my coat tobacco brown, too, too
parlez parlez jamais plus
concentrates blue l' outhre & le meuse
dit-moi yellow pops a cigar
anchors the mouth, my
father’s corpse motions for a light.
says it only takes, only takes 3 days
to break a habit & if I had
had longer hands in leather plaid
would I know, do I know
the strange brown foam
gurgling up his esophagus, too, too
parlez parlez jamais plus
they still use
paper bags tan tawdry & cheap somewhere
beneath whiskey & porn for 3-3 days
does a habit break my hands
longer, longer---don't shout, don't


le pont bends as rivers intersect
fashioned off a parisian
island park, art-house afternoons.
my back chews a little grass
& a riverboat man tips his hat, madame,
the spring has come white served w/
lemon twists on pillow tops
touching green across sart-tilman
as wild mushrooms hunt for if,
if I had longer hands, instead his
face thru my thin whims
laugh a coffee accent - strong
fingers long sizable palms & knuckles not
overpowering his shirt sleeves pace up & down
my bucket finds itself to ground
he'll not miss me in the crowd



strike a match against sometimes
a cigar is just...
thick w/ spit
along it's tip until
it is more as
desire & aftermath
so I call him Matt


welcome, here, roll up the rug.
I just vacuumed
il faut: the salt spat-her
regardez- moi become
the soot smudged diaries of also



surely God will not begrudge
us some small
comforts here
cubans are widely available & between
my lips feel illicit.


the tobacco shoppe is near la gare
waffle vendors & les femmes dans
les fenetres. men mostly window
as women pretend hurried
is not a glance
on bright red shag, leather straps up
tight nice thighs narrow hips w/
stunning tits: peroxide fringe indigo
powdered lids dim her brown
hazel eyes foaming mine, would we
know, do we know before her next if
I had more cash, please just
give me 15
minutes please
give me just give me
10 or 5
times bite
the soft yellow shell
filled w/ rock-sugar
scratches my gums & tongue
swallow rivers along


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