Billy Cancel


  tweeting from a toxic heap
don’t know what     the blue horse is
because as runner         up in group
     of death i was     attacked by
stick men who     had been seeking
a purer simple     poetry but instead
between the trees found     space debris &
the lure of the ash     heap smell of strong
cheese proved too     much for that
audience predisposed     to the obvious
certain emphasis on     let’s fade let’s
fade guys
        in hindsight     i attribute this
     failure to ongoing     tensions between
fork & knife at the     onset of a much
radically transformed     place large scale bigger
budget multiple suppressions         hence
     building site     installation     playground
board game of     softly influenced color translucent
depth shall be just     the spot for all the isolations rolled
into 1

     pulsating dialogue with bull of the woods
added reverb to the wander     kept the
lantern out of it     was told the great
proportion of meteorites were no bigger
than a grain of sand     & i felt physically
sick         pulsating dialogue with bull of the
     woods     shall prompt wordy government
memo saturated with references to skin
walkers     little people     black-eyed
kids     best make out with some
whooping boy in     crab thatch until
     paramedics get you high
wide ‘n’ handsome         pulsating dialogue
     with bull of the woods meant     as a local
i would remind tourists who
travelled  the apple lane bound     chicken bone
special that     it led directly     to bleak landscape         pulsating
     dialogue with     bull of the woods so     my eyes are nuclear   
yellow holes yet when i ain’t     idling a spell in crapper’s ditch     like you
i sit in the control room dreaming     of crackerdom autocutes

     spaghetti code turns out the same 6s & 7s
who fail to show at our     fluid electrolyte
parties & slip     down uneven causeways past
rival shrines for     the vanishing hitchhiker then
gone wish     i’d had such an opportunity to
declare     was leaving the organization to     seek
new cabbages         got licked-dragged-poked-
     stuttered     attempting to be upbeat-inclusive-
coyly provocative     as some thought
experiment subject     & i gradually became more
susceptible to     the wit of inanimate objects     rough
end of the pineapple masqueraded
as a departed loved 1         this wave of big
     hat no cattle clashes with big     meeting in the sky to restore
authenticity     1 man’s analogue drift is another’s humbug
universal the reddest     apple has a worm in it who     recognizes
other worms & knows began is half     done but about down
home ‘s beautiful steep hills syrupy translucent     color began    
is considered done & personally         i’ll refuse to be spooked by
     displaced big cat theme

       upon the verge of feeding time at the zoo
because new arrangements in heaven mean
supernatural energy flood so     blisseizure
unformed color drip &     a strange dog
in the purple flowered broom  weed  rapidly
changing information landscape more     pilot error at
maximum hysteria point by     dark passageway
obligatory neon flash to     the accompaniment
of howling that     puts the most callous
laughter to shame         last time we weren’t
     on the verge of feeding time at the zoo     rumors spread
from asshole to appetite     that i had fallen from     heaven by    
night was in fact     abroad lord’s day last filling     up on
beef & shrapnel couldn’t
    keep absorbing this black blast
insect accumulate         when we’re on the verge of feeding
     time at the zoo short text lines grainy synth soundtrack
so pick 1 hour across     the weekend sit
in your front garden wait     in your local
park or green space & note the species &
number     of any birds you see

     was told swallows spend winter on the moon
because they are     disenfranchised spirits with
evocative names such as     illegible text &
are somewhat haphazard don’t     quite mesh
slightly askew but     it’s my belief that 
the implications for     such a bleak outlook
in this case are 2 fold namely     rapid orange flare
bursts dark background there     there there each
time at different points then every     scene rushing to
some ridiculous gag loosely
    onward to the
next awkward showcase slack collation     much
unlike         my sporadic drift through    
     sour white blaze where i must     accentuate what was    
once a subtle detail simply     to bring it into focus & my    
left ear is weak because ferret got into my cradle or
too much devil’s toothbrush     delete as
applicable whichever is more befitting of men who
wander the cliff tops & upon the edge of things         why
     should i     come out     when  you pass me snack     through
the turbine darling?

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