Ted, when I think of you
time flies like a fluked beast
on the beach in Florida
which is not Brooklyn
and I think what kind of pills
I could eat today
and the sun and tears
for you but not your heart,
great whale of a heart,
beast of amphetamine
spirits and lover of hair
you are more to me
a bronzed burly catcher
with blown out knees
changing the signs
on Susan Sarandon,
Florida of my minor league

--William Sanders

Nora Almeida: Integral #1 Integral #2 Integral #3
Richard Pearse: A Woman Cloud Young and Angry at the Moon
Olga Pester: the roof of merger refrigerator memo
Joe Robitaille: Oleo Strut Oligarchy Strychnine The Rest of Lamps
William Sanders: Easter Poem [another poem by W. Sanders (& another)]
Sarah Sarai: hAve You Been Married, the Sister asK
Pietro Scorsone: After Tomorrow Random 1-4